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Why Groups?
The Church of Garden Valley believes that life change happens in the context of relationship. Our Valley Groups are created to facilitate meaningful connections, allowing you to grow closer to others and God.

Fall Session
First Week of Groups - September 8
Last Week of Groups - November 11
New Leader Orientation - February 2
Spring Session
First Week of Groups - February 16
Last Week of Groups - May 4
Summer Session
First Week of Groups - June 2
Last Week of Groups - August 11
HOW DO I JOIN A GROUP?When groups are in session, you can click the button above & it will take you to Planning Center or Church Center where you can view available groups. Find a group you like and join!
WHAT IF I MISS A WEEK?That’s okay! Just communicate with your leader so they know you won’t be there. We do miss you when you cannot attend, but we do understand that things come up. Please note that if you miss 3 weeks in a row and do not communicate or respond to your leader, you will be removed from the group.
HOW DO GROUPS WORK?Valley Groups run in three 10 week Sessions Fall, Spring, and Summer.
I CAN'T FIND THE TYPE OF GROUP I'M LOOKING FORSee a need, fill it! We encourage you to become an approved Valley Group Leader and lead the group you think we are missing! Click here to apply to become Valley Group Leader
WHAT IF I JOIN A GROUP AND I DON'T LIKE IT?Just tell the leader and they can help you find a new group that is a better fit! We won’t take it personally, we want you to find a group that you love.
HOW DO I FIND A GROUP THAT IS THE RIGHT FIT FOR ME?On Church/Planning Center, you can filter for groups based on many things, such as: day of the week, frequency, type of group, age and stage of life!
WHAT IF THE GROUP I'M INTERESTED IN IS FULL OR CLOSED?Reach out to the leader! When you view the group in Church/Planning Center, there is always a link available on that groups page that allows you to directly email the leader.
HOW DO I FIND A GROUP THAT IS THE RIGHT FIT FOR ME?On Church/Planning Center, you can filter for groups based on many things, such as: day of the week, frequency, type of group, age and stage of life!
Frequently Asked Questions
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